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Torso Electronics S-4
Torso Electronics S-4, Sculpting Sampler, Stereo Granular Sampler and Audio Processor, 4 Parallel stereo tracks, each with a signal chain consisting of 5 processing stages: Material, Granular, Filter, Colour and Space, Material: Signal source for further sound processing, e.g. a sample from the internal memory, recording of a new sample, overdub and sound-on-sound loops, Real-time processing of external sources or 8-voice polyphonic sampler, Granular: 4 second audio buffer with 128 grains and control over size, distribution, shape and pitch of the grains, Filter: 48-band resonator filter bank for wide-ranging sound shaping and emulation of classic low-pass, band-pass and high-pass filter characteristics, Colour: Destructive effect block with dual-band distortion, bit crusher, compressor and noise generator, Space: Stereo reverb and delay effect with freeze function, 4 Freely assignable modulators per track – each modulator can function as an LFO, random source or ADSR envelope and can be assigned to multiple modulation destinations, Master section with 4-channel mixer, DJ filter (low-pass / high-pass) per channel and summing compressor@+*Technical Data:*, Operation and programming via 9 encoders and 21 illuminated buttons, 3.5″ LC colour display, 24-Bit / 48kHz audio processing in stereo, WiFi for synchronisation with Ableton Link, Class compliant USB audio interface with USB-C port, 2 Line outputs: 6,3 mm jack, Stereo headphone output: 3,5 mm TRS jack, 2 Line inputs: 6,3 mm jack, MIDI In/Out: 3.5 mm TRS jack, Type A, Sync input and output: 3.5 mm jack, Dimensions (W x D x H): 242 x 156 x 39 mm, wEight: 820 g, Includes external power supply unit (DC 12V/2A) and MIDI adapter (3.5 mm jack to 5-pin DIN)
Torso Electronics
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