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Modal Carbon8
Modal Carbon8
Modal Carbon8, Digital Synthesizer, 8-Voice polyphonic, Touch-sensitive FATAR keyboard with 37 keys and channel aftertouch, 2 Independent digital oscillators with 56 complex digital core waveforms per oscillator, With 18 digital algorithms and 38 wavetables, Extended XCore modifiers, incl. wave shape, wave fold, phase distortion, Extended oscillator drift, Vintage parameter, 34 Resonant filter types, including morphable and static filters, Cut-off scaling with 2 different modes, 3 Dedicated envelope generators for AMP, MOD and FILTER, 3 Audio rate LFOs with tempo synchronisation (2 poly, one global) with over 15 different shapes, 8 Assignable modulation slots and 4 additional fixed modulation routings for frequent assignments with 12 modulation sources and 55 modulation destinations, Polyphonic real-time sequencer with 512 notes and 4 recordable/editable parameter animations, Polyphonic step sequencer with 64 steps, 8 notes per step and 4 tracks for parameter automation, Internal programmable arpeggiator with 32 steps with pause option, 3 Independent and configurable stereo effect processors with a total of 26 effects, 500 Sounds, fully editable, 300 Factory sounds, 100 Sequencer presets that can be linked to any sound, 100 Effect presets, 8 Quick recall memory, 29 endless encoders, 24 Buttons, 4-Axis joystick that can be assigned to a huge range of modulation destinations and virtually ‘locked’ when desired, Multiple keyboard modes: Mono, Poly, Unison 2, Unison 4, Unison 8, Stack 2, and Stack 4, Glide/portamento with legato and staccato mode, Chord invert control, controllable via MODALapp, Dimensions (W x D x H): 555 x 300 x 100 mm, Weight: 5.6 kg@+*Connections:*, 2 Line outputs: 6.3 mm jack, Stereo headphone output: 6.3 mm jack, Stereo line input: 3.5 mm mini jack, MIDI input and output, Analogue sync input and output: 3.5 mm mini jack, USB MIDI, Input for volume and expression pedal: 6.3 mm jack, Input for sustain pedal: 6.3 mm jack
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